Monday, October 1, 2007

Seeking after Him

~The More I seek You~
The More I seek You/The more I find You/The more I find you/ The more I love you./I want to sit at your feet/Drink from the cup in your hand/ Lay back against you and Breathe/Feel you heart Beat./This love is so Deep./It's more than I stand/I melt in your peace/It's overwhelming./ I want to be close./Closer than I've ever been./Face to face./With my eyes on you./Draw me nearer./So close that I never want to let go.
Some days you need to just sit in Jesus' arms and let him hold you. You feel His presence overwhelm you and all you can do is soak in it, breathe it, and bask in His Love.
I read this book, A Man called Blessed and in it this guy gives this girl a challenge. He tells her sometimes you have to believe in God to the point if he told you to jump off a mountain, you'd go. That what we have to do sometimes, Just jump off the mountain of uncertainty into the Ocean of God's Presence. Swim in it, drown in it, saturate ourselves in Him. That's what I want. To take the plunge into God's Ocean. Become saturated in the Presence of God.
Are you ready to take the Plunge?

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