Thursday, October 4, 2007

An act of faith

My trip to La. was so amazing! On the way down there Brooke and I started talking about Faith & expectancy. Then we got onto the subject with my Grandmama. Sunday morning, Lacey got up and spoke about Faith and the importance of it. Sunday night, Bro. Anthony spoke about how God wants to do greater than we ask. Example: ask for one tree, get 4 trees. lol!
It was like God was repeatedly reminding me to wait and trust in Him. It's not easy to do when you're an individual who likes to have everything planned out in advance. *smile* God longs for total trust from us, not just a Sunday night or Wednesday night belief. Totally trusting, 24/7 in Him and what He has planned for us. I have to smile when I think about how much I doubt God's ability to direct my life. He created me and He doesn't sit up in His heavenly throne room and think up ways to mess me up. Total trust in the One who knows all and created all shouldn't be that hard. But it is. Why? We seem to have this false Idea that our lives are our own.
God's Will is an ocean at the bottom of the cliff called Doubt.
Faith is the act of leaping from Doubt into God's Will.
Won't you join me in the swan dive?

Verse for the Day: " Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. 3By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God's command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible." Hebrews 11:1, 3

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