Monday, October 1, 2007

Carried by Him

Do you ever wish that things were as they once were? Like when you were a kid you never had to worry about life, family and friends. Then suddenly you're older and life just dumps on you. This happened to me about 2 years ago and I have felt like I have been fighting just to keep my head above water ever since. Then a dear friend of mine told me she had been having almost the same problem, and she let me in on a bit of wisdom. Those things you have held so close to your heart and won't let anyone else hold because they were YOUR concerns and YOUR trials to bear. All of those things, just give them to Jesus, The Eternal One, The Protector and Provider. Put all those things into the nail-scarred hands. HE will bear them for you. So that's what I did; I just told Him that I couldn't handle this weight and these frustrations anymore. I gave them to Him. He holds my problems and frustrations now. He knows every tear I cry in anger and pain. "He knows my name and my every thought. He sees each tear that falls, and He hears me when I call." HE KNOWS MY NAME! I don't know about the rest of ya'll but when I think about GOD , The Supreme Being, The Alpha and Omega knowing my name, it just amazes me. And brings me to my knees in awe. And then there is the thought that HE holds my problems and burdens in His hands. He cares enough to pick up my Junk and says, " Rae, let me carry this for you."
Lord, I am Amazed by you and how you Love me.

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