Thursday, October 4, 2007


There is no better place to be than in the center of God's will.
Unless it's in His Prescence.
That quote has been echoing through my mind.
If you are in the center of God's will, you are in Him. You are in His complete prescence.
I have no doubt that I am in His will right now. But my path is starting to disappear. It's as if the road I'm on is fading in this fog.
It feels like God is saying, " Just trust Rae...just trust me completely, And all will fall into place." I'm the type of person who loves pre-planning. I can be spontaneous, but I LOVE to know what I'm going to be doing and where I'm going.
"God, I can't see the stepping-stone in front of me!! What do you want from me?! "
God says: " Just step out. I am here. No fear, just complete Faith in Me."
I suppose I'm on that cliff again. That dumb cliff of self-doubt looking over this gorgeous ocean of God's will. All God wants is my best free dive...
My soul says, " Dive."
My mind says, " What if I belly flop it?"
God says: " There are no belly flops in My Will. Just Dive, Rae.
Just Dive...."

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