Thursday, October 4, 2007


Today I woke up really grouchy and irritable. I stomped through the house getting ready. I stomped to my book bag grabbed it and with a half-hearted "Love you, Bye." I stomped to the wet, dirty, brown '98 Mercury Mystique. I started down the road with the hugest frown on my face. Flipped the radio on with a "you had better work" snarl. As the happy morning tunes poured out the speakers, I began to think. "Why am I frowning and grouchy when there is no good reason. God woke me up. I got to get out of a comfy bed. I got to eat good food. I had clothes to wear. SO why am I so stinking' grouchy?"
As I was contemplating this with a frown on my face the radio began to play "I am Free." I began to sing to the top of my voice, "I am free to run. I am free to dance. I am free to live for YOU. Oh yes, I am FREE!" I almost started crying. Here I was frowning and grouchy complaining to the world about the unfairness of having to get up so I can go to college that I don't have to pay for, when Jesus had made me free.
Sometimes we get so caught up in the routine of life. The drudgery of having go to work, go to school, go to choir practice, go home to see my family, and then do the whole thing over and over again. We frown as we go down the road. We snarl at that jerk that cut us off. We mutter under our breath as the lady in the checkout lane takes way too long.
It's no wonder that we have a hard time getting people to go to church with us. If I was them I wouldn't want to be involved in something that would make me frown.
Jesus Christ, God in the Flesh of man has made us FREE. We are free to escape those very bonds that hold onto our neighbor so tight. Romans 6:22 says, "But now that you have been set free from sin and have become slaves to God, the benefit you reap leads to holiness, and the result is eternal life."
We are free from sin. WHY DON'T WE ACT LIKE IT!?

Through you the blind will see Through you the mute will sing Through you the dead will rise Through you our hearts will praise Through you the darkness flees Through you my heart screams I am free I am free!

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