Monday, October 1, 2007

Abounding Grace

" History doesn't repeat its' self, people just never learn from history."

Quite true, quite true. I have been really thinking about Faith lately. "Faith is the essence of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." Faith is when you place everything you worry about, hope about, and dream about in the Hands of one's Creator. Faith is saying, " Ok God, I don't understand this right now. I don't like it either, but I place this in Your sovereign hands. God has a perfect place and plan for us. Sometimes I think God must sit back and have a good laugh when I tell Him my plans. I need to learn to lay down my hopes, dreams, and desires and pick up His. He has the perfect Blueprint for my life. When we learn to lay down our plans, and pick up His we are accomplishing His Will.
One of my Favorite quotes says: " There is no better place to be than in the center of God's will unless, it is in His Prescence."

So God, in times I DON'T understand, may Your Grace be enough,

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