Thursday, October 4, 2007

A Disney Experience

For a Sunday:
The Day is what you make it. So why don't we go to church excited, it's another opportunity to be in the Prescence of God!
Think of it this way: You are a 7-9 year old. You get to go to Disneyland. You've never been to that place of Magic. You get there early (you wouldn't want to miss a thing), you walk into the Park and suddenly you're surrounded by all of the characters you've only seen in movies;Mickey Mouse, Goofy, Cinderella.
Your eyes are wide open, mouth has dropped in awe, it's real.
Now, imagine coming into the Presence of the One who Lived and Died for you... He rose again and longs to live in you. His glory fills the room. Your eyes open wide, mouth drops open, and your hands slowly raise. You are in the Presence of your Creator.

This, my friends, beats Disneyland hands down.

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