Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Oceanside God Talks

   I'm back from my mini vacation to the ocean. I loved each minute of it. I think I could live by the ocean. The smells, the sounds and the view soothe my soul like none other. During the last few minutes of the drive, Jen ( the driver) rolled the windows down and the salty, tangy smell of the ocean filled the vehicle. I took a deep breath and released all the frustrations.
   Each morning at 7am, I awoke before everyone else and  grab my Publix blueberry yogurt, bottled water, Bible and JesusCulture, a book by Banning Liebscher. I would head out to the balcony which overlooked the gorgeous water and spend some time in the Word.  Staring out over the roaring waves while the sun would peek up over the horizon, I would sit thoughtless in awe of how He breathed this massive space into being.
   There on the deserted sands, I would watch as God showed off His might through the crashing waves and think of how truly small I am in comparsion. Yet, He favors me over the might of the ocean. He favors me over infinite sands. He favors me over the seemly endless waters. He values me above all of His artfully, masterfully, grand creations.

    Psalms chapter 8: 3-4 comes to mind:
"When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, 4 what is mankind that you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for them?"
 He is mindful of me in my small pitiful state with so many flaws. In spite of all of my shortcomings, He favors me. As I sat looking over the waters, my heart was full of humbled awe that He would care and be mindful of me in my low state.  He looks beyond my past, my problems, my flaws and stumblings, and sees who I can become in Him. I stand humbled by His mercy and grace.

Psalms 93: 4
" Mightier than the thunder of the great waters, mightier than the breakers of the sea— the LORD on high is mighty. "

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