Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Hope Givers

Yesterday, I had a much needed conversation with my Gmom. Like I’ve mentioned in previous posts, my grandmother is a wise woman with insight I dream of having one day. I've been feeling self pity because of my current phase in life compared to that of my peers. She calmly listened as I emotionally unloaded on her and once I had finished she spoke hope into my heart.

She is a hope giver.

Hope Givers have the ability to move the emotional perspective on life. Hope Givers bring a calmness and peace about circumstances. They have the ability to give strength and courage to those who felt they could not go on.

In your realm of influence, are you a Hope Giver? It doesn't take a special degree or vast experience. It only takes a few minutes of your time and a few carefully chosen words.

You can change someone's life with the words you speak.
Are you a hope giver? Do you bring hope to those around you?

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