Tuesday, June 28, 2011

No scrubs,...

Feeling the TLC today,...

Scrub: A bum. He takes and takes from you but never gives back. He wants things his way or nothing at all. When you're with him you don't grow as a person; your spirit slowly is killed. He drains you physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

Scrubs come in all shapes, colors and sizes. Sometimes they're easy to spot. Sometimes they're hard to see. Sometimes they attempt to cover up their scrubbiest ways with fine clothes and popularity. Sometimes they blatantly show their true colors.

It's best when you see a "scrub" to run with all you have. Listen to the wise voices around you. Heed their warnings. You're better than anything he has to offer, which isn't much. Ignore his smooth talk and oily ways. Look beyond his surface and see into his true heart. Forget what you want to see and see the reality that is often hid by rose-colored glasses.

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