Thursday, June 23, 2011

Classy is as Classy does,...

  My life has always been full of classy women. I was raised watching old movies with Grace Kelly, Audrey Hepburn, and Sophia Loren. I observed these women and how elegant their every action was. Also, I had role models in my world such as my mother, grandmothers and aunts. As well, as many women I have watched throughout the years.

I've learned the following:
  • When a woman is classy, she carries herself in a confident, self-assured manner. She isn't snobby (there is a difference between classy & snobby). She knows who she is and isn't ashamed of it. She is confident that she can handle what life throws at her. Why? Because she has prepared for it. (Another sign of a classy lady.)
  • When a woman is classy, she walks differently and has great posture. This goes along with the confidence point. You can tell how a woman thinks about herself by how she carries herself. Slouching shows lack of self-respect, confidence, & pride. Then there are those who carry themselves in an overly confident manner. We've all seen them. They walk as if everyone should be watching them. These women lean towards snob behaviors.
  • When a woman is classy, she dresses like it. She doesn't expose herself. She respects her body and dresses it in a manner that causes others to respect it. She doesn't worry about the lastest trends in apparel, she knows what looks good and what doesn't. She isn't a crowd follower but a crowd parter. People respectful watch her.
  • When a woman is classy, she is authentic. She is real. There is no fake smiles, hugs or comments. Everything is genuine, just like she is. She isn't afraid to show emotion but knows when to temper it. One of my favorite stories concerning a real-life heroine of mine, is about the time she was caught in her pajamas by a maintenance man (my grandfather). My grandfather said she was just as elegant in her oversized sleep shirt as she was in a suit. She wasn't ashamed of being authenic.She recognized it and was comfortable in the fact she was just as human as anyone else.
  Classy women are a scarcity in this day and time. We hear of women making the news because of nudity pics or affair scandals. It's hard for us to look around and see a truly classy woman to role model. I long for women to begin respecting themselves again. Because when you respect you others take note and begin to respect you in turn.

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