Friday, June 17, 2011


I believe that each living individual has creativity inside of them.
We just have to tap into it.
Some individuals have creativity oozing from their pores. These are they who paint, draw, write and invent at a high rate. They are constantly churning out the visions of their imagination.
Then there are those of us who have to try harder to find the creativity lurking in us. We know it's there but we never quite seem to connect and draw from it. We are they who long to paint, draw, write and invent but find ourselves with a room of unfinished projects.
It's the unfinished that haunts us.
It urges us to give up; to realize we are not the Van Gogh we wish to be.

However we must realize while we are born with creativity it must be nutured and cultured.
Remember as a child how you could create epic battle scenes with the neighborhood kids?
Remember how you could mass produce work after work of Crayola art?
Remember how you could be easily entertained for hours with just a couple of toys?
It's because you constantly fed your creativity.

Creativity is like a checking account.
If you don't put anything in it, eventually it's going to be empty.
Invest time to daily feed your creativity.
Like any good investment, it will pay in the long term.

No matter what area your creative genius lies, invest in it.
 Feed it.
Then watch it come back to feed your creative soul.

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