Tuesday, June 7, 2011

The Awakening

Last night I attended a student-led bible study at FPB. This group of around 10 students have started meeting on Monday nights for the sole purpose of digging deeper in the Word. When hearing about it, I thought I'd stop by and see what it was about.  I didn't quite know what to expect and I have to say I was pleasantly shocked. I was told the group started at 7pm so I arrived right on time guessing that it would start late (we're talking high schoolers here.) I was wrong. I was one of the last ones to arrive. The students were quietly talking while waiting for everyone to arrive. As I sat down, I noticed each student, whether it was a traditional Bible, iphone or ipad,  had a Bible with them. They were prepared and ready.

A student kicked it off with scripture and her thoughts on her chosen topic. She did well! She was clear and concise. It was obvious she prepared for the study. After she spoke, the other students began to chime in with their thoughts, experiences and encouragement. In amazement I listened to students openly and confidently discussing the Word and Godly lifestyles. I was in awe.  Afterwards, they passionately prayed for various individual needs and for a spiritual awakening.

The evening left me humbled and full of expectation. You know something incredible is about to happen when individuals begin to actively seek after Him. Age or background doesn't matter to God. He just wants one who seeks after His heart. I firmly believe at FPB there is a group of students who are actively seeking His Face. The awakening they prayed for is already upon them.
 Whether they realize it or not, they are the awakening.

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