Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Having A Coke With You

Having A Coke With You

is even more fun than going top San Sebastain, Irun, Hendaye, Biarritz, Bayonne

or being sick to my stomach on the Travesera de Gracia in Barcelona

partly because in your orange shirt you look like a better happier St. Sebastian

partly because of my love for you, partly because of your love for yoghurt

partly because of the fluoresent orange tulips around the birches

partly because of the secrecy our smiles take on before people and statuary

it is hard to believe when I'm with you that there can be anything as still

as solemn as unpleasently definitive as statuary when right in front of it

in the warm New York 4 o'clock light we are drifting back and forth

between each other like a tree breathing through its spectacles

and the portrait show seems to have no faces in it at all, just paint

you suddenly wonder why in the world anyone ever did them I look

at you and I would rather look at you than all the portraits in the world

except possibly for the "Polish Rider" occasionally and anyway it's in the Frick

which thank heavens you haven't gone to yet so we can go together the first time

and the fact that you move so beautifully more or less takes care of Futurism

just as at home I never think of the "Nude Descending a Staircase" or

at a rehearsal a single drawing of Leonardo or Michaelangleo that used to wow me

and what good does all the research of the impressionists do them

when they never got the right person to stand near the tree when the sun sank

or for that matter Marino Marini when he didn't pick the rider as carefully

as the horse

it seems they were all cheated of some marvelous experience

which is not going to go wasted on me which is why I am telling you about it

Frank O'Hara

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

No scrubs,...

Feeling the TLC today,...

Scrub: A bum. He takes and takes from you but never gives back. He wants things his way or nothing at all. When you're with him you don't grow as a person; your spirit slowly is killed. He drains you physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

Scrubs come in all shapes, colors and sizes. Sometimes they're easy to spot. Sometimes they're hard to see. Sometimes they attempt to cover up their scrubbiest ways with fine clothes and popularity. Sometimes they blatantly show their true colors.

It's best when you see a "scrub" to run with all you have. Listen to the wise voices around you. Heed their warnings. You're better than anything he has to offer, which isn't much. Ignore his smooth talk and oily ways. Look beyond his surface and see into his true heart. Forget what you want to see and see the reality that is often hid by rose-colored glasses.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Let's Talk,...

You can take a picture of something you see
In the future where will I be?
You can climb a ladder up to the sun
Or write a song nobody has sung
Or do something that's never been done

Are you lost or incomplete?
Do you feel like a puzzle, you can't find your missing piece?
Tell me how do you feel?
Well I feel like they're talking in a language I don't speak
And they're talking it to me

So you don't know were you're going, and you wanna talk
And you feel like you're going where you've been before
You tell anyone who'll listen but you feel ignored
Nothing's really making any sense at all
Let's talk,...*Talk by Coldplay

Now, let us have a little talk with Jesus.
Let us tell him all about our problems.
He will hear our faintest cry.
He will answer by and by.
...You will find a little talk with Jesus makes it right.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Haunted Dreams

- William G. Golding

I dreamed of you again.
It is so strange to me how unprovoked you appear.
Dreams of you are always full of questions
And those questions breed more questions.

The day or two after is always the worst.
I find myself wondering if anything will ever come of it.
Then the cold reality sets in.
Squaring my shoulders, I look at the honest truth.

Insecurities fill my heart
as I realize you and I
are very similar but yet very different.
Our worlds familiar, yet we remain worlds apart.

It is what it is.
Like ships in the night sharing the same vast sea
We will continue to be.
All I ask of you is that you stopping haunting my dreams.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Classy is as Classy does,...

  My life has always been full of classy women. I was raised watching old movies with Grace Kelly, Audrey Hepburn, and Sophia Loren. I observed these women and how elegant their every action was. Also, I had role models in my world such as my mother, grandmothers and aunts. As well, as many women I have watched throughout the years.

I've learned the following:
  • When a woman is classy, she carries herself in a confident, self-assured manner. She isn't snobby (there is a difference between classy & snobby). She knows who she is and isn't ashamed of it. She is confident that she can handle what life throws at her. Why? Because she has prepared for it. (Another sign of a classy lady.)
  • When a woman is classy, she walks differently and has great posture. This goes along with the confidence point. You can tell how a woman thinks about herself by how she carries herself. Slouching shows lack of self-respect, confidence, & pride. Then there are those who carry themselves in an overly confident manner. We've all seen them. They walk as if everyone should be watching them. These women lean towards snob behaviors.
  • When a woman is classy, she dresses like it. She doesn't expose herself. She respects her body and dresses it in a manner that causes others to respect it. She doesn't worry about the lastest trends in apparel, she knows what looks good and what doesn't. She isn't a crowd follower but a crowd parter. People respectful watch her.
  • When a woman is classy, she is authentic. She is real. There is no fake smiles, hugs or comments. Everything is genuine, just like she is. She isn't afraid to show emotion but knows when to temper it. One of my favorite stories concerning a real-life heroine of mine, is about the time she was caught in her pajamas by a maintenance man (my grandfather). My grandfather said she was just as elegant in her oversized sleep shirt as she was in a suit. She wasn't ashamed of being authenic.She recognized it and was comfortable in the fact she was just as human as anyone else.
  Classy women are a scarcity in this day and time. We hear of women making the news because of nudity pics or affair scandals. It's hard for us to look around and see a truly classy woman to role model. I long for women to begin respecting themselves again. Because when you respect you others take note and begin to respect you in turn.

Friday, June 17, 2011


I believe that each living individual has creativity inside of them.
We just have to tap into it.
Some individuals have creativity oozing from their pores. These are they who paint, draw, write and invent at a high rate. They are constantly churning out the visions of their imagination.
Then there are those of us who have to try harder to find the creativity lurking in us. We know it's there but we never quite seem to connect and draw from it. We are they who long to paint, draw, write and invent but find ourselves with a room of unfinished projects.
It's the unfinished that haunts us.
It urges us to give up; to realize we are not the Van Gogh we wish to be.

However we must realize while we are born with creativity it must be nutured and cultured.
Remember as a child how you could create epic battle scenes with the neighborhood kids?
Remember how you could mass produce work after work of Crayola art?
Remember how you could be easily entertained for hours with just a couple of toys?
It's because you constantly fed your creativity.

Creativity is like a checking account.
If you don't put anything in it, eventually it's going to be empty.
Invest time to daily feed your creativity.
Like any good investment, it will pay in the long term.

No matter what area your creative genius lies, invest in it.
 Feed it.
Then watch it come back to feed your creative soul.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The Vital Need

I have started reading the Amplified Bible when studying. I had heard about the version at a Women's Conference. And then YouVersion (Love YouVersion! It's a smart phone must!) came out with it. Now it is one of my favorite Bible versions.
Last night when reading I came across Psalms 27. Sometimes I find I don't have the words to pray and during those times I open up the Psalms and pray them. Psalms 27 is an excellent psalm for this. As I prayed through Psalm 27, I came to verse 8 and couldn't leave it. It commanded my attention.
8You have said, Seek My face [inquire for and require My presence as your vital need]. My heart says to You, Your face (Your presence), Lord, will I seek, inquire for, and require [of necessity and on the authority of Your Word].
I want that Psalms 27:8 hunger. I want to passionately seek, ask for and require God's presence because I have to have it to survive. It has to be a need in my life
How often do we seek after God because we crave, yearn, need Him? Not because of what He can do for us but because without Him we are nothing. He must be my vital need.
Somehow I have to get beyond routine religion and start requiring "living water" for daily substance.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Hope Givers

Yesterday, I had a much needed conversation with my Gmom. Like I’ve mentioned in previous posts, my grandmother is a wise woman with insight I dream of having one day. I've been feeling self pity because of my current phase in life compared to that of my peers. She calmly listened as I emotionally unloaded on her and once I had finished she spoke hope into my heart.

She is a hope giver.

Hope Givers have the ability to move the emotional perspective on life. Hope Givers bring a calmness and peace about circumstances. They have the ability to give strength and courage to those who felt they could not go on.

In your realm of influence, are you a Hope Giver? It doesn't take a special degree or vast experience. It only takes a few minutes of your time and a few carefully chosen words.

You can change someone's life with the words you speak.
Are you a hope giver? Do you bring hope to those around you?

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Learning experience # 528

  Sometimes open doors shut. Sometimes windows aren't meant to be raised. Sometimes it's a pride destroying experience. Sometimes you realize that it's not the plan for you. Sometimes there is more  than meets the eyes. Sometimes you want to cry in the disappointment.
It's apart of life.

I KNOW,...

Not all open doors shut. Windows do open. Sometimes it's a building experience. There is a bigger plan for me. There is more divine working than meets the eyes. Sometimes blessings comes through tears.
And that it is all apart of life.

Not trying to be repetitive but this scripture is quickly becoming my manta.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

The Awakening

Last night I attended a student-led bible study at FPB. This group of around 10 students have started meeting on Monday nights for the sole purpose of digging deeper in the Word. When hearing about it, I thought I'd stop by and see what it was about.  I didn't quite know what to expect and I have to say I was pleasantly shocked. I was told the group started at 7pm so I arrived right on time guessing that it would start late (we're talking high schoolers here.) I was wrong. I was one of the last ones to arrive. The students were quietly talking while waiting for everyone to arrive. As I sat down, I noticed each student, whether it was a traditional Bible, iphone or ipad,  had a Bible with them. They were prepared and ready.

A student kicked it off with scripture and her thoughts on her chosen topic. She did well! She was clear and concise. It was obvious she prepared for the study. After she spoke, the other students began to chime in with their thoughts, experiences and encouragement. In amazement I listened to students openly and confidently discussing the Word and Godly lifestyles. I was in awe.  Afterwards, they passionately prayed for various individual needs and for a spiritual awakening.

The evening left me humbled and full of expectation. You know something incredible is about to happen when individuals begin to actively seek after Him. Age or background doesn't matter to God. He just wants one who seeks after His heart. I firmly believe at FPB there is a group of students who are actively seeking His Face. The awakening they prayed for is already upon them.
 Whether they realize it or not, they are the awakening.

Friday, June 3, 2011

6 Ways Leaders Can Build Trust

Today's blog is by Dr. Jeremy Statton. I saw his post on Michael Hyatt's blog and decided to share his wisdom with you. Great read! I encourage you to start following Dr. Statton via blog or twitter!

6 Ways Leaders Can Build Trust
We have all had a boss that we did not respect. No matter how intelligent or charismatic, you knew that placing blind faith in him or her would be a mistake. You were always watching your back waiting for the sucker punch to come.
A lack of trust allows fear to become a primary motivation with your team members. They will fear your opinions. They will fear your decisions and evaluations. They will fear failure. They will fear you.
Once fear creeps in, your team members will become paralyzed.
Trust is something that has to be earned. It is something we are all told to give away slowly and to take back quickly.

Here are six ways that a leader can instill respect and trust in his team:

  • Expose yourself. Open yourself to others. Not in a dangerous way where people can take advantage of you, but rather in a way that demonstrates honesty and humility. Your team needs to know that you are just like them. Be willing to admit your own failures. If you put up a wall around yourself, your team will too.
  • Take the hit. When undesirable outcomes happen, we are all quick to point the finger. If your team members see that you are willing to take the blame for the good of the team, even if its not directly your fault, then they will start to let go and trust you. As leader of a team you need to accept the responsibility for both the good and the bad.
  • Build your team members up. This is the opposite of taking the hit. Whenever it is appropriate make sure you praise your team members in front of their peers and superiors. Be sure to applaud their efforts and results. Never try to take sole credit for something good that the team did.
  • Get rid of the leash. Allow for freedom to explore new ideas and to be creative. If people feel that you are micro-managing them, they will stop trusting you. Make room for failure and more importantly the opportunity to learn from failure.
  • Accept confrontation. Fighting is not good, but neither is false agreement. When there is a difference of opinion, promote discussion. Explore solutions with the intent to solve problems. If disagreement never occurs, then your team is afraid of telling you the truth.
  • Find the value in each person. We all have weaknesses, but we also have strengths. Everyone brings something different to the table. Find what is unique in each individual and use that unique strength for the good of the team.
With trust a team can work together. Individuals will accept roles. Leaders will be respected. Teams can be productive.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Oceanside God Talks

   I'm back from my mini vacation to the ocean. I loved each minute of it. I think I could live by the ocean. The smells, the sounds and the view soothe my soul like none other. During the last few minutes of the drive, Jen ( the driver) rolled the windows down and the salty, tangy smell of the ocean filled the vehicle. I took a deep breath and released all the frustrations.
   Each morning at 7am, I awoke before everyone else and  grab my Publix blueberry yogurt, bottled water, Bible and JesusCulture, a book by Banning Liebscher. I would head out to the balcony which overlooked the gorgeous water and spend some time in the Word.  Staring out over the roaring waves while the sun would peek up over the horizon, I would sit thoughtless in awe of how He breathed this massive space into being.
   There on the deserted sands, I would watch as God showed off His might through the crashing waves and think of how truly small I am in comparsion. Yet, He favors me over the might of the ocean. He favors me over infinite sands. He favors me over the seemly endless waters. He values me above all of His artfully, masterfully, grand creations.

    Psalms chapter 8: 3-4 comes to mind:
"When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, 4 what is mankind that you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for them?"
 He is mindful of me in my small pitiful state with so many flaws. In spite of all of my shortcomings, He favors me. As I sat looking over the waters, my heart was full of humbled awe that He would care and be mindful of me in my low state.  He looks beyond my past, my problems, my flaws and stumblings, and sees who I can become in Him. I stand humbled by His mercy and grace.

Psalms 93: 4
" Mightier than the thunder of the great waters, mightier than the breakers of the sea— the LORD on high is mighty. "