Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Sixteen Years

I'll never forget that fateful day a note slid over to my school desk,
 " Can we use clicky pencils? Yes or No."
That note started what is now an amazing friendship
with my best friend, Jessica M.

We've shared much in these last 16 years
From Nancy Drew mysteries to history books,
 Egyptology, Socialogy, and Psychology (we can analyze your socks off!)
Hideous sweaters, ugly glasses and shoes that should have never been designed.
Cute boys(who never gave us a glance) and jerks who stole our hearts,
90's Pop songs and corny movie quotes

One would think in Sixteen Years a lot would change
But it hasn't.
We're still nerds. Still klutzy.
Still hopeless, cynical romantics(Yes we can be both!)
Still fashionably hopeless.
 Still breaking out hideous sweaters.
We still sing 90's Pop with all the soul we can muster.
We still quote the lamest lines known to film.
We're still us. 
Just older.

In Sixteen Years, we've learned a lot.
 We've learned that Truth Guns may possibly
be the best thing ever invented.
We've learned that there's a difference
between Besties and best friends.
We've learned what it means to love
someone with all you have, 
we've learned to forgive that person
when they rip the heart from you.
We've learned to cry, straighten our shoulders and face the world.
We've learned life is tough. Get over it.
We've learned when listen and when to speak.
We've learned we can agree to disagree.
We've learned that our Mum's had reason
to raise us the way they did.
They definitely created two strong, independent women.
 Bestie, thanks for sixteen years of unselfish, unconditional friendship.

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