Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Sing it like you mean it

I recently read this on one of the blogs I follow, Whole Latte Life. She posted an EXCELLENT bit about creativity and I had to share! Enjoy!

Supreme Words from Diana Ross
"  Sometimes, when we least expect it, the perfect piece of advice comes our way. And if it comes from an American icon, so much the better.
  A couple of weeks ago, I saw Diana Ross perform here at The Bushnell Theater in Connecticut. Ross has sold more than 100 million records, and this night she told us she was going to "touch on each chapter of my career." What a songbook it was, filled with music that's been so much a soundtrack to our lives.
  One of the night's finest moments came with her spoken words. At one point when she invited the audience to sing along with her, she added this suggestion ... "Sing it like you mean it."
  "Sing it like you mean it." Couldn't that one line sum up all the creative advice we have ever heard? If we don't mean it, with whatever we're creating, the rest of the advice really doesn't matter. Creating has to come from our hearts, from our souls, where the deep pool of meaning begins.
  To me, Ross' words were "supreme" advice, and I'm happy to share it with you as you continue on your creative journeys ...
  "Sing it like you mean it." Write it like you mean it. Paint it like you mean it. Photograph it like you mean it. Play it like you mean it. Cook it like you mean it.
Whatever you create, let it be supremely you."

Thank you, Joanne... "sing it like you mean it."

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