Thursday, April 14, 2011

My Thoughts Thursday

It's Thursday, thank goodness! I am so ready to shed this work week and take on a lovely weekend! AR weather is GORGEOUS! It's time to soak up the vitamin D and relax!
Being that it's Thursday(which is of no major significance), I've decided to start having " My Thoughts Thursday."  A posting about my thoughts on a random, mix of topics.
And here we go!
BTW: the order of the list is not by importance.
  • Alexander Dumas- The man could write! I try to read  Count of Monte Cristo each year. One of my favorites! I've read the book over three times but I still get lost in its pages. On that note: I think that book is going on my summer book list.
  • White Sand Beaches- I miss the ocean. The sounds, the sand, the smell,.... all of it. Cannot wait until May for the annual Girl's trip. This year we revisit the beach. I'm ready! Favorite part of it? Watching the sunrise and the sunset on the ocean. Normally I'm an earlier riser and I will venture out on the beach for some God time. The beach is quiet and deserted. Just me and God,...
  • FPB- The First Pentecostals of Benton is booming! God has been doing amazing things here. I'm glad I am apart of one of the friendliest churches in the world! Don't believe me? Come visit, I dare you.  I love how God has been raising up people in the church. Pray Matthew 9:38 and watch what happens!
  • Painting- One of my goals this year was to create at least one decent painting.I want to try my hand at some abstract work. Note: I've never painted. Ever.  We'll see what happens. If anything, I'll have fun getting paint all over me.
  • AdoptUsKids- I follow AdoptUsKids on Twitter and they wreck my heart with each tweet about a child who needs a home. If I currently could, I would. Someday,... If you are going to adopt, please consider adopting a foster child. Those kids need it!
  • Matt Wertz - "I'm waiting, all of my life been waiting, ...Maybe, if I had a Somebody, maybe...Until then I'll be the one pretending I'm perfectly fine with all this living life here on my own." Aptly spoken, Mr. Wertz.
  • John 15:1-11 Especially this seventh verse: "If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you will[a] ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you."  hmm,... check out the verses before #7. Questions raised: Am I abiding in Him? A sign of abiding in Him, is fruit. Is fruit evident in me? And if I'm abiding in Him, am I correctly exercising the authority I have as branch of the Vine?
Thus concludes My Thought Thursday.... I told you it was a insane mix!

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