Thursday, August 11, 2011

To my Bro,...

   Tomorrow around 11AM my brother, Bryan will leave Arkansas and head down south to Louisiana for a 3 month internship. Yes, it's only three months. Yes, I realize it's only Louisiana, my other home-state, the place I visit monthly. But it's my brother! I'm going to miss him and his cheesy, annoying ways. So this post is dedicated to my brother, Bryan.


Remember that time we climbed the tree next to the house & realized we could swing out onto the roof? Oh, how we would run across the roof desperately trying to get off the roof before Mom & Dad could catch us.

Remember the time Disney hosted some sort of music marathon and the three siblings danced like the crazy fools we are. Dad & Mom captured each move on video camera. I wonder what happened to that video? I'd pay money to see you dancing like a Russian across the living room only to accidentally kick J in the head. Oh, poor J... all the times we picked on her and still do. *fist bump*

Remember the time you found that piece of calf? .... *snicker* Remember Mom's face?

Remember when we called (and occasionally still do) you Chubbers Horatio Verdabelle?

Remember the time I told you Ben-Gay was just the thing to take care of a wicked sunburn? And you believed me? Sorry for laughing during your pain... It's a genetic disorder I inherited from Mom.

Remember the night we stayed up late watching movies (sappy chick movies) and wore facial masks. Poor Dad,... I'm sure we (by we I mean you) concerned him.

Remember that night you walked into my room and sat in the ugly chair and talked for an hour or more about the girl of your dreams, some chick ? See...told 'ja it would work out.

Remember the talks we had regarding my relationships? Thanks for all the advice and for not calling me an idiot. Well, I take that back,... you did call me an idiot. But thanks for listening to me whine about boyz (yes, we said boys with a z).

Remember when I officially asked you to be my future Man of Honor? You cried accepted graciously.

Remember the time you preached for the first time? I cried. I was that proud. And I still get slightly emotional each time you speak because I'm watching you live out your calling and dream. Not too many sisters best friends get to see that happen.

Remember how you came & told me that you were going to apply for the POA Internship? I was (and still am) so happy for you. But I must confess that I was also slightly jealous and sad at the same time. 1) Jealous because you are going off to live your dream in one of my favourite places in the world and 2) because you won't be here,...and I will be lonely.

Thank you Bryan, for being the best big, little brother/best friend any sister could ask for.
I'm excited for you, Beau. Now, have fun at POA and kick tail... well, as much tail as you can kick at a ministry internship...

Love you much,...


Jessica Scott said...

That was so sweet, it made me tear up. It is so wonderful that a brother and sister can have such a great relationship, it is something to cherish, not everyone is so lucky. I am grateful for the parts both of you play in the lives of my daughters and well even myself. :)

Stephanie Crabtree said...

Tears,sniffs and the memories,live you three kids.

Burl said...

I laughed out loud!
Great read, wonderful warm feeling. I am blessed to have three great kids.

Kendra Shock said...

Well I just want to go and hug my brother now!

Pam Winkler said...

Awe... Rachel, you are such a writer. I loved every bit of this, I am so glad you, Bryan and Jessica had a great home to grow up in, it is just so sad that you all are grown. I love you so much and I feel so blessed to call you family! Love ~ Aunt Pam