Thursday, March 31, 2011

My GO List

It's spring and with spring comes that desire for travel or at least I desire to travel. I like getting in the car and roadtrippin' to new places. I like visiting little sleepy towns in the middle of nowhere. I like go to big cities and feel the deep energy coming off the streets. I like quiet places. I like loud places. I just like travel.
So this is my collection of places I'd like to GO before the end of my days. 

My GO List  Top 5:
  1. Skiing in Colorado. I 've been to Colorado and enjoyed my time spent there however I've never went skiing there. While I am a bit of a klutz and have little to none athletic ability, I would still like to envision myself artfully dipping and gliding over the white snowy mountains. :) I do realize the artful ability may be a near impossibility, but I'd still like to try.
  2. New York City. "concrete jungle where dreams are made of...These streets will make you feel brand new. Big lights will inspire you. Let's hear it for New York,..."  I have never been to this great urban city and I would absolutely love to visit it for at least a week. So many things to see and places to visit there. The Lady herself, Central Park, Times Square, Chinatown, the Knicks, aYankee's Game, Ellis Island, the Rockefellar Center, museums, restaurants, ...etc. Sheesh! I might need to stay longer than two weeks!
  3. England. I love history and this country is FULL of it! I feel that I would need to tour the entire country not just settle for one city. I'd love to visit the place that helped give birth to the American Spirit.  I want to walk down the streets that Shakespeare, Florence Nightingale,Churchhill, C.S. Lewis, , Francis Drake, John Locke, and Jane Austen walked down. I want to feel that English stubbornness that morphed into determination for something more for all people. This nation started radical movements that would shape the entire world into what it is today.
  4. Prince Edward Island. Why? Because I heart Anne of Green Gables. I want to visit the place spoken about in the books and seen in the movies. I want to ride in a carriage down a lane of flowering trees. I want to walk down the shoreline. I want to play Anne for a few days. I want hope in a simpler, quieter life where boys walk girls home. I want to believe in Gilbert Blythes and silly nonsense.
  5. Africa. I want to go and see elephants, tigers, and giraffes. I want to see the vivid colors and the strong people. I want to go and be reminded that there is more to life than my petty material things. I'd like to take books and learning materials to the children there.  I also wouldn't mind bringing home a child and give them a home. I want to go there and make a difference.