Friday, March 11, 2011

The List and Joe Boxers

A friend of mine asked me today what do I need in my future mate. It was a thought provoking question.
As I started to answer I realized how much my priorities had changed in the past years.

Every girl in the world, I don't care what they may tell you, 
has a mental List she uses when evaluating males for her potential husband.

When I was twelve years of age my List had two items:
  1) he must wear boxers, preferably JoeBoxers.
2) he must have a deep voice that "thrills me."
Obviously I had high aspirations as a twelve year old.

Then as I got older The List changed up a bit.
Words like provider, wealthy, good dresser, and educated, started to appear on The List.
Finally a couple of years ago my List began to see finally see maturity in it's "musts" for a future mate.
 If you read it you would see caregiver, provider, lover of God, want kids and be willing to adopt.
All of these "wants" were very important.
But  today when my friend asked me what do I need, it put a different spin on The List. 
Not what do I want but what do I need.

And this was my response: 
I need to know that I can completely trust him. I need to know that he will be open with me about his thoughts, emotions & actions.
I need to be able to trust him with my heart, mind, and soul; with my dreams, desires, & hopes.
 I need someone on whom I can lean when I feel like I can’t go on in life.
 I need a supporter of dreams, no matter how wild.
I need a truth-speaker. I need a provider. 
I need to know he is kind, gentle and the man in God I need him to be.
He doesn’t have to be wildly handsome or overly romantic, just someone on whom I can depend.
I don’t need perfection but I do need the above things.

Sure, I want other attributes like a wealthy, smiling boxers and a body Matthew McCaughney would dream of having but do I need those attributes? No.

My List can just be things I need not things I want.

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