Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Splendid Twenties

   Yesterday, my good friend Amber and I were talking about our career goals and how we need to write about our experiences. (Who knows? Maybe this could be the start of a book!)  Thus Splendid Twenties was born, July 18, 2011.

   It's a blog about our professional experiences-the humorous and the not-so-humorous tales.  Craziness seems to follow us around. No lie! A day doesn't go by that something insanely peculiar doesn't happen to one of us. If you are in your 20's and need encouragement that you aren't alone in this rat race for success, you should check us out. Or maybe you want to read because you are curious about what sorts of adventures two female Twenty-Somethings could have in a corporate setting! This is our story of success and the humorous adventures along the way... Splendid Twenties.

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