Tuesday, July 5, 2011

"Condition yourself,..."

   This weekend I was blessed to be able to speak with one of my real-life heroines, Vesta Lane Mangun. This woman has always been an example role model for me. I love everything about her. Her fierce loyalty, her pure elegance, her love for people, her passion for the things of God, her zeal for Truth, and her love for family.

As I previously said, this weekend I was able to sit down on two separate occasions and talk with her. The first opportunity was full of general conversation concerning my work, schooling, and family. But the next opportunity contained gold. She sat me down and took my hands and prayed a powerful prayer over my life. After the prayer, she looked at me and said these words, " Baby, I pray for you. You have a calling and right now you need to begin to condition yourself for it."

Those words have run over and over in my mind, "Condition yourself,..." 
I have no clue of the how's when's and where's of my future. I don't know when those God dreams will come about in my lifetime. I don't know what signs to look for. But I can prepare for it.

I can be ready when the divinely appointed door opens.
I can be ready when my time comes.
I can be ready when He speaks, " This is the way. Walk in it..."

I can begin conditioning my physical self. I will work on my physical health so that it will not hinder my purpose. I can begin conditioning my spiritual self. I will start habits that will postively affect my purpose. I will pray more, study the Word more, learn more about Him. So that I may be effective. I can learn and study more about my culture, my passions, my world. By doing so I will "show myself approved."

If I prepare now I will be ready when He is ready.
It starts today.
Condition yourself,...

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