Saturday, July 16, 2011

May I never be useless,...

   John Knox, a missionary during the time of the Reformation, cried out to God saying, “Give me Scotland or let me die.” It was all or nothing with him. His passion consumed him. He knew his life was worth nothing unless it was being used to save souls.

Here in America during this 21st Century can we not do any less? We must develop the burning passion of John Knox for our community and world. When was the last time you desperately cried out to God to use you? Are you actively serving in your divine purpose? Or are you actively serving your personal desires therefore being useless to the kingdom? John Wesley said, "God grant that I may never live to be useless!"

God has a sacred use for us. It goes beyond any dream or thought we have for our lives. He has given us the tools and abilities now all He wants from us is a passion for the cause.

Are you willing? Are you ready? Are you consumed?

“…For this very purpose I have raised you up, that I may show My power in you, and that My name may be declared in all the earth.” – Romans 9:17

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