Thursday, May 19, 2011

My Thoughts Thursday

SO grateful it's finally Thursday! I feel like I can see the light at the end of the work week tunnel. This week has been insanely busy, which isn't always a bad thing. It just makes for a whole lot of crazy drama. Whew!

Anyway, back to my Thursday thoughts. The following is a few things that have been on my mind this week.

 And here we go, ...
The Beach: One week from today I will be driving to meet my dear LA. Friends for our Annual Girl's Trip. I am so ready for sun, sand and surf. I've already started mentally packing my book bag. There really is no better place to study the Word than beach lit by a quiet sunrise. Love it!

Friends: I am truly thankful for my LA. Girls. These girls have been my friends for years. We've laughed, cried, giggled, shopped, shared and prayed together. These girls have shouldered many a burden and prayed many a prayer with me. They’ve shown me the right path more often than I'd like to admit. They've been there for me even when I may have been distant. I appreciate them and value them so very much. If you don't have a group of friends or even A friend like my LA. Friends, you need to find one. You will definitely need one.

Nagging vs. Burden: This topic has been on my mind lately. We have to make sure we recognize the difference between nagging someone to reach God and having a burden for someone to reach God. The burden makes the difference. When you have a burden, it's about the individual's soul and eternity location. When you nag at a person, it's about you and getting your way. One way is altruistic, the other selfish. Which are you?

Graduation night: For many high school teens, tonight and tomorrow night marks the ending of a phase. Six years ago I graduated high school... that seems like a lifetime ago. To the graduates of 2011, I say pursue those God dreams in your life and don't be surprised when the dreams begin to change. Dream change can be very healthy. It's apart of life. It's apart of growing up. It's apart of becoming who God designed you to be.
To quote Steven Tyler, “Dream on,..."


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