Tuesday, May 10, 2011

My Grandmama

 I dearly love Doylene Kuykendall. She is my mentor, prayer partner, best friend, confidant, and she's my grandmama. She is four things every woman should be: Godly, fiesty, wise and strong. She has guided me through many personal storms and given me so many words of wisdom. If you have the opportunity to meet her, do so. She will rock your world. She is a 4'9 bundle of smiles, joy and wisdom. She is always correcting, guiding, and mentoring me down life's path. She hands out Godly wisdom like candy and each one is tried and true.

Today I thought I'd share a few of her God points.

  1. You can't out-give God.  I have heard this phrase come out of her mouth dozens of times. If I was struggling financially or was needing answers, I'd call her up and she'd ask, " Rae, how's your giving? Are you fulfilling the Word's requests? Are you taking care of God's things first?" And then I'd state if I was or if I had been slacking on my giving. Now, she didn't always mean financially giving. Sometimes she's ask if I was giving God my time. The term Giving is covers a wide range of area from time, to abilities, to finances. She makes sure I am giving God my best in all areas because if I am doing that, "He will take care of your needs. Baby, you can't out-give God. It's not possible."
  2. God's things first. This one gets used a lot. During college, I'd call her up crying or whining about how everyone else was doing this or was moving there. I would start talking about my plans for my life. She would listen quietly for a few moments and then I'd hear these words, "God's things first, baby. You take care of His dreams for your life and then your dreams will fall into place." She would talk to me about how our plans aren't always His Plans. I'd listen and calm down. She was right. And to this day if I start racing ahead of God's Will for my life, I'll hear her word's echoing in my mind, "God's things first, baby. God's things first."
  3. Have you prayed about it?  I'll be complaining about a situation and she'll whip out this phrase, "Have you prayed about it?" Silence on my end of the call. My Grandmama is a prayer warrior. This lady moves mountains when she prays. Seriously. She has a direct line to God and when she prays about a situation things happen. Her prayer life is an inspiration to me. I don't pray enough. When visiting my Grandmama in Louisiana I always try to go to Saturday morning prayer with her. I'll pray for awhile and then just listen to her prayers. They are inspiring. I'm learning to put my concerns in the right perspective. It's taking time and sometimes I still have to be reminded. "Have you prayed about it, baby?"
  4.  Get in the Word.  Whew... She makes sure I'm hitting THE BOOK.  Am I in the Word? Am I studying His truths and learning more about the Holy One? If I'm conflicted on a matter she will ask, "What does the Word say? What is God's promise concerning that matter?"  She will tell you up front you have no business NOT knowing what God says through His Word. "Study to show yourself approved."  She will tell you to search His Word, Study it  and seek Him,... these principles are evident in her own life. "Get in the Word."
 I know I am blessed to know this Godly woman. I am blessed by her on a daily basis. If you don't have a woman like her in your life, go find one. Eveyone needs a Doylene Kuykendall.

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