Wednesday, May 25, 2011

I Heart my Church

   For the last few weeks, the FPB creative team has been working on our new website (Stay tuned for the launch date!) and we were talking about certain things we wanted to be represented on the new site. One of these was a " I Heart my Church" page. On this page, we will have video & comments from FPB members on why they love their church. I can't wait to hear & see all the love pouring out for FPB.
 I really do belong to a fantastic church and I wanted to list my reasons for why "I heart my Church."
 So here you go, a few reasons why I love my church:
  • FPB is one of the most friendly churches I have ever been to and I've been to several. When you walk in the opened door you are greeted with a friendly smile and a welcoming attitude. I feel that sour, mean, gossip-spreading, rude, obnoxious people cannot God-filled. It's impossible to behave in that manner if Christ is truly in you. Note: if you act in the above listed manner, check yourself. The spirit living in you is NOT of God.
  • Our student ministry, Element is doing a great job leading & discipling students into a mature walk with God. Honestly, I've been to churches where the Student Ministry was all most being the most edgy, current student group. Lights, creative art demonstartions, and concerts led the students rather than the Word and prayer. Don't get me wrong! I am all for lights, creative art and concerts for students! I love that! But if you aren't digging down into the Truth and showing the students how to do the same, then you are just raising a generation that is more concerned with the outside of the cup rather than the inside. Read Matthew 23:26.
  • I belong to one the most giving churches. If a need arises, whether it be international, national, community, or an individual, FPB reaches that need. I have seen FPB hallways full of clothes and shoes for the homeless, ziplock bags of various medicial items for Haiti, Christmas presents for a needy family, and food for a sick family. This church reaches out to lift others up in any possible way. That's what being a Godly person is all about. Recognizing the need of others and reaching it in whatever manner possible.
Yes, FPB may have flaws and problems. We're working on them. As our Pastor likes to say, "This is a church full of humans. We're created flawed."  We all mess up but hopefully, it's the Jesus in us that strives to correct the mess and move onwards and upwards.  FPB is a wonderful church full of wonderful people. I am blessed to call the First Pentecostals of Benton my home church.  I heart my church.

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