Saturday, June 28, 2008

Pearls & Perils; life on a jungle trail

At the beginning of the summer I asked God for one (of many) thing; that I would experience a Spiritual Awakening in my personal life. I don’t know why but for some reason I am always amazed when I get what I ask for… It’s incredible!
Back to my Awakening, am I suddenly, one month into the summer, a Super Christian? No, most definitely not. But I am beginning to experience a change; it feels like a cool Northern wind is blowing through me. It’s refreshing, sometimes chilling & I get the occasion goosebumps. This Divine wind has began to blow away the junk and garbage that clutter up my relationship with Jesus. This Wind changes mind-sets, shifts relationships and alters spiritual landscapes. During this time of spiritual change I’ve had to learn to trust my Star-Breather, lean on Him and let Him carry me. You see, " the way is an experience…"*
This spiritual journey can’t be smooth bricked garden path. How boring! What would be the challenge in that? There would be nothing to learn or experience. No, the way that I travel is a wild jungle trail. One minute I bask in a tropical sunset, then in the next I’m in a constricting battle. It’s the way that adds character & beauty to my life. It’s a Life-altering Experience.
And who better to have with me than Jesus Christ, my own personal Tarzan. He rescues this clumsy, stubborn Jane, from ferocious self- doubt and constricting fears & failures. He swings into my Life with a rush. He delivers me from pain and hurt. He does these things simply because HE loves me…He adores me!
As the song says, " He is jealous for me. His love is a hurricane and I am a tree. Bending beneath the weight of His Glory."**
He loves me in my pitiful, needy, complaining state. Simply, powerfully , relentlessly, and jealously. Because He knows that one day this Jane will arrive at the end of her epic jungle tale & she will become the eternal Bride of Tarzan. And that is why, Tarzan is so very patient with His willful Jane. He sees the End of the Trail and knows Jane's outcome. And so… He waits.
And that Divine Wind blows Jane’s hair away from her face and she keeps walking down that gorgeous Trail full of unknown perils and pearls.

*Leonard Sweet- SoulTsunami
**Kim Walker- How he Loves lyrics

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