Saturday, June 28, 2008

Atomic Displays of Christ

John 9:1-7
" Neither this man nor his parents sinned but this happened so that the works of God might be displayed in his life." Then Jesus healed blind man…

Question: Are the works of God being displayed in our Life?

The blind man didn’t sin or somehow cause his blindness. His blindness was due to some previous error on his part. He was blind from birth. He lived with this defect/problem for years without release. Then one day his ailment was healed in a miraculous event that not only opened his eyes, but the eyes of many. His healing had an atomic effect on those around him. His life was a display of Christ’s mighty redemption. He, in a divine moment, became an example of the Savior’s power, A work of God. Imagine his story after that moment. Those around him knew his story and that there was no way that his story would have a " happily everafter" ending. Then in a radical event, they witnessed a complete 180 turn. They were changed by simply witnessing the active display of his Life Change. How incredible! Are the works of God being displayed in mine and your Life? Are people changed by seeing our Life Change? Are you a living, breathing display of Christ? Think on it.

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