Saturday, September 29, 2007

The Balm of Being Still

She stands lonely on the hill. Her face is tear-stained and bruised. Her spirit, like her clothing, is tattered and torn. She sinks to her knees sobbing... What else can she do? Where is hope? Where is Faith? Where is HE who promised to always be there!? She lifts her head to the sky and screams, " Where are You!? You so called Father to the fatherless, defender of the weak and oppressed! Where are YOU? I need you. Do you not see what is happening? Can you not tell my heart is breaking? "

She drops her head in silent defeat. And then she hears it. Someone is near is crying. She lifts her head and with a shaking hand wipes tears away. Then she sees Him. He is standing right next to her. He is crying. He looks at her with eyes filled with sadness and strangely enough, understanding. He sits down next to her and says, " I remember a time like this in my life. I was confused and lonely. No one understood the why or the how except me. I watched as those who I loved broke my heart. They didn't seem to realize that I was going through death for them. They mocked me and ridicled me.I was on a hill much like this one. I hung there and screamed into the heavens , ' " MY GOD! WHY HAVE YOU FORSAKEN ME!?'. "

She can't look away from His eyes. She sees the pain and anguish He went through. She begins to cry again. She knows this story. Could it be that the Savior knows exactly what she felt? And as if in reply to her thought He said, " Child, I was there when the first blow came. I was there when you ran to pray for guidence. I was holding you when you had to make that decision. I was there the night you cried yourself to sleep.I shielded you from the worst pain and you never knew. I was there when you screamed out the pain in your soul. I AM here and I AM working in your behalf. You cannot see what the outcome of this battle will be. But I have seen the Beginning and the End. And I AM already there. All I ask is that you wait and watch . "

She falls to her face sobbing, " Oh my God! Give me strength..." She feels a hand wipe away her tears.

" I AM here and I will not leave you nor forsake you. You may not see Me but I AM still here with you. I will uphold you with my Mighty right hand. I AM working for you. So my child, ...

Be still and know that I AM God.

Be still and know...

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