Friday, March 14, 2014

Jarrid Wilson Blog

If you don't know Jarrid Wilson is then I ask you to read his blog.
It's full of simple, heart-felt posts that leave you thinking.
He called out to Christian women everywhere and challenged us
to seek the man who seeks God's heart.
- His main points (seriously, just go read the complete post; it's all good) -
1) You can’t put your trust in a man until he can first put his trust in God.
2) A real man opens more than the door; He opens his bible.
3) A real man will lead you closer to God than he will to himself.
Ladies, we all want love.
However we need to know that if God is not the focus in our life or the main focus in the life of our man then the relationship will crumble.
I did a bible study many months ago about appealing to the leader in our man.
I think we women are too quick to pick up the role of leader in a relationship.
That's not how it works.
He leads - in spirtual things, in the relationship and in the home.
Appeal to the leader in your man.
Allow him to lead.
If he isn't willing to be the spiritual leader then you need to find someone who is.
 I firmly believe Godly men are still out there.
I believe men can rise up as spiritual leaders.
I believe it can happen. Prove me right, guys.
"Don't put your trust in a man unless he puts his trust in God."

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