Friday, December 27, 2013

Resolution #897

Confession is good for the soul, right? Okay, here's my confession. -deep breath-

I'm that person who makes new years resolutions and then never follows through with them. I lack drive and if I'm honest with myself, I'm pretty lazy when it comes to meeting my personal goals.

This is what happens:
January 1 -" This is THE year! I'm going to go hard and reform! Adios bad habits!"
February 1 - "I can do this. Get it together, RC!" 
March 1 - "Eh, I've got all year,..."
April 1 - "I really need to start working on this,..."
May 1 -  "okay,... I probably start after summer vacation."
June - August 1 - "It's so hot,... I'm just gonna wait until until it's cooler."
September 1" Ugh,... will it ever cool down!?"
October 1 - "Ah,... cooler weather... I'm just gonna sit here and enjoy it."
November 1 - " There is too much going on this holiday season for me to work on me."
December 31 -  looks at Resolution list, "I hate myself."
Oh what! like you've never procrastinated a little!!! Stop judging.  LOL!
My new year's resolution should just be "STOP WITH THE PROCRASTINATION."
But seriously, this year I want to be that person who follows through with their goals. I want to be that person who at the end of the year looks back and checks off their resolutions rather than moving them forward another year.
What's the point of having goals(resolutions) if I just sit back and waste tine!?  This new year of 2014 is going to involve more personal committment to me. Perhaps that sounds like a selfish way to put it but that's what needs to happen. I need to work on myself this year. And I think I know just where to start, ... Procrastination.




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