Friday, December 27, 2013

Resolution #897

Confession is good for the soul, right? Okay, here's my confession. -deep breath-

I'm that person who makes new years resolutions and then never follows through with them. I lack drive and if I'm honest with myself, I'm pretty lazy when it comes to meeting my personal goals.

This is what happens:
January 1 -" This is THE year! I'm going to go hard and reform! Adios bad habits!"
February 1 - "I can do this. Get it together, RC!" 
March 1 - "Eh, I've got all year,..."
April 1 - "I really need to start working on this,..."
May 1 -  "okay,... I probably start after summer vacation."
June - August 1 - "It's so hot,... I'm just gonna wait until until it's cooler."
September 1" Ugh,... will it ever cool down!?"
October 1 - "Ah,... cooler weather... I'm just gonna sit here and enjoy it."
November 1 - " There is too much going on this holiday season for me to work on me."
December 31 -  looks at Resolution list, "I hate myself."
Oh what! like you've never procrastinated a little!!! Stop judging.  LOL!
My new year's resolution should just be "STOP WITH THE PROCRASTINATION."
But seriously, this year I want to be that person who follows through with their goals. I want to be that person who at the end of the year looks back and checks off their resolutions rather than moving them forward another year.
What's the point of having goals(resolutions) if I just sit back and waste tine!?  This new year of 2014 is going to involve more personal committment to me. Perhaps that sounds like a selfish way to put it but that's what needs to happen. I need to work on myself this year. And I think I know just where to start, ... Procrastination.




Thursday, December 26, 2013

2013 Recap

Yes,... I'm still here. It's been a quiet year for me on Blogger but let's face it, no one was holding their breath each day waiting for a blog post from me so I have no regrets in that aspect.


Wow. I can't believe it's nearly over; only five days to go and how many New Year's Resolutions did I meet? That's right. None. I'm not richer, skinner, healthier, tanner, artsier, married and I don't have a dog. I really know how to achieve and meet goals, huh? Let's add "Read the goal meeting/stop procrastinating/inspirational book" to 2014 resolutions.

But overall, 2013 wasn't a horrible year. Let's see,...
  • I became an auntie at the end of 2012. I LOVE IT! I spoil precious Baby Kensi each chance I get. She is so cute,smart,precious, lovely and darling ...etc. Oh! you wanted to see a picture of her? Well, here you go! See I told you she was a cutie!
    Baby K
  • I found a new addiction in 2013 - Pinterest. Y'all... I have planned my future house, pets, wedding, kids, photos, recipes, jobs, Bible reading, etc. It's a problem. Ladies, if you don't have a Pinterest, don't get one. It's a black hole of home decor and wardrobe planning. Major time waster unless you are a "go-getter" who actually does the DIY projects.
  • My best friend of nearly 20 years got married.  She was lovely and she got married at a Southern plantation. Um, can we say classy!? How time flies, just yesterday we were meeting for the first time in grade school and now she's married.
  • My hobby of photography became a little more profitable this year.  Now, I know my skills are limited (to put it nicely) but I had more people requesting me to take their photos this year and honestly, it was a great feeling. I have so far to go and so much to learn but I'm up to the challenge.
  • I got a new job at the Bank. Due to a series of crazy events (which I won't go into) I was hired as an assistant in the Commercial Lending Department. Key music to A Whole New World.  It's completely different and I'm learning so much. I feel overwhelmed some days by it all but it's going to work out. I truly believe God placed me here.
And these things are just a tip of the 2013 iceberg! All in all, it was a good year but between you and me, I have a feeling next year will be even better!