Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Transcend in 2010

2010. Just saying it makes me feel evolving. It's like breathing cold air after a hot, hard workout.
*deep breath* ahhh,...refreshing.

I must say 2009 was an interesting year for me. I'm ashamed of my 2009 life in some aspects, proud in others...
Confession? It was a spiritually low year for me. I feel like I didn't push as hard as I could have, dug as deep as I should have, climbed as high I would have. I was a mellow Christian in '09. 
It's 2010.
A new start.

I'm ready. I've started cleaning out that old rubbish that clogs down my soul. Those habits & tendencies that drag me down.
I am going to transcend to new levels in 2010.
I'm tired of being a normal, average Christian.
It's time to rise above medocrity, the levels of the oridinary.
It's time to be Christ-like.

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