Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Divine Veracious Plans

Have you ever devised the best plan for your life? It's perfect. Your metaphorical ducks are in a row.

And then,...Life Happens.
Things change.
Plans shift from the precise order you designed.

What do you do?
You become like a toddler, kicking and screaming up at the Heavens.
"What are YOU thinking, GOD? Don't YOU see? YOU'RE messing up the Plan!"

This has been my scenario for the last couple of months.
I make this "fantastic, infalliable plan."
 HE could never create something as masterful as this plan
 and I just know this  is what HE has for me...

You would think I'd learn not to make plans without consulting my all-knowing Creator.
But this poor erring human must learn the hard way.
HIS plans are not always my plans....

I have to learn to acknowledge HIM when creating plans.
And know that I won't always understand HIS Purpose behind HIS Plan.
"Man's steps are ordered by the Lord. How then can a man understand his way?" Proverbs 20:24
I just have to trust the Divine with my life.
HE created it, so I must trust HIM.
My Dad used to sing a song that says,
 " When you don't understand, when you can't see HIS plan-trust HIS Heart." 
 I am learning (the painful way) to trust in HIM with everything that I hold.
HE loves me and HE has artfully designed a magnificant plan just for me.

"I know, O LORD, that a man's life is not his own;
it is not for man to direct his steps."-Jeremiah 10:23

So continue to guide my willful steps, God...I'll follow.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Transcend in 2010

2010. Just saying it makes me feel evolving. It's like breathing cold air after a hot, hard workout.
*deep breath* ahhh,...refreshing.

I must say 2009 was an interesting year for me. I'm ashamed of my 2009 life in some aspects, proud in others...
Confession? It was a spiritually low year for me. I feel like I didn't push as hard as I could have, dug as deep as I should have, climbed as high I would have. I was a mellow Christian in '09. 
It's 2010.
A new start.

I'm ready. I've started cleaning out that old rubbish that clogs down my soul. Those habits & tendencies that drag me down.
I am going to transcend to new levels in 2010.
I'm tired of being a normal, average Christian.
It's time to rise above medocrity, the levels of the oridinary.
It's time to be Christ-like.