Wednesday, April 10, 2013


Have you ever had a day where you take a moment, a pen and a notebook to simply dream?

Dream of what you want? Dream of where you’d go? Dream of things you would do?

Dreams can encourage and motivate us to better places if we allow them. They can place a drive and passion down deep in us that will propel us further into the plans God has for us. The key is allowing God to use dreams to move us. If we refuse to grow and we remain content with our little sphere of influence and our small responsibilities we will eventually die. We will face the death of creativity, of imagination, of passion and of growth. We will become hardened to any type positive change. We open the doors to bitterness and stagnant thinking.  Dreams keep us alive!

I sat down recently and allowed myself to dream, and then I wrote down the things I want to accomplish.  
  1. I want to develop my skills in writing. I want to write something so meaningful that it inspires change. I would love to write a book or article that would be published. My words don’t have to be widely read or known. I just want to reach and influence more people.
  3. I want to become a better photographer. I want to be able to capture a memory for future generations. Sounds corny, but hey! It’s my dream.  I also believe that photographer would be a great side-job in the future. So by bettering my skills I would be positively impacting my future finances. 
  5. I want to adopt a child. Those who know me know that adoption is my heartbeat. So many children long for a mom and dad to love them and provide a home for them. I can do that for a child. I can rescue them and change their lives. 
  7. I want a home – a place where all feel welcome. I have an Aunt who's home is like that. You walk in the doors and immediately feel loved. That’s what a home is supposed to feel like and that’s what I would love to provide. 
  9. I want to provide a retreat for ministers and families. I want to give them a haven to rest in during a tough situation. I want to help them find direction and answers. I want a place where they can stay and be together as a family. I realize that vocational stress can tear at the family unit. I want to help strengthen that unit.
Not sure of how it will all come together but those are a few of my hopeful dreams.

This girl can dream all day long. But there comes a time when you have to get up and work to achieve the dreams. Dreams are worth nothing unless they are acted upon. Unless you use the inspiration of the dreams to act, the dreams are nothing but vain imaginations, useless and soon forgotten.

So I’m taking steps to act upon my dreams so I can help bring them to life.  Hopefully I have a couple of my dreams checked off by this time next year but if not, I will still hold on and keep them alive. Some dreams take time and may not come to pass in the time-frame that we wish but it doesn’t mean the dream is dead. Keep feeding your dreams. Encourage yourself.  Be prepared to step through doors that will lead you towards your dreams. You never know where God is leading you and what dream He is about to bring to pass. 

Your dreams could be just around the corner. So to paraphrase a popular Journey song, "Don't stop dreaming..."