Saturday, December 8, 2012

I will wait - He is Faithful

All of us at one point in time have had to rely on God to provide the answer to out fervent prayers. We pray. We plead. We wait. Then we repeat the process.

God says in His word that the “effectual fervent prayers of the righteous availeth much.” He also said that like any good father, the heavenly Father wouldn’t withhold good things from His children.

Our answers are on the way but we must be willing to patiently wait on God. He promises good to us if we follow and depend upon Him.

The Jews were promised a Savior, a Messiah who would rescue them. They waited for years for the promise to come to pass. They prayed. They pleaded. They waited.
And then one day, a young girl was visited by an angel and was told that she had been chosen to bring the answer to so many prayers. “And she brought forth her firstborn son and laid him in a manager,… And his name was called Jesus.”  

He was faithful to the prayers of His people. He brought them the answer, the Messiah they sought. He brought peace, joy, strength, hope and salvation.  

He will answer our prayers perhaps not in the timing that we wish but the answer will come.  He will fulfill our prayers, our hopes, our dreams, and our promises. He is faithful.
The question is not His faithfulness but our ability to wait on the promises.  Will you still believe and wait on Him if He doesn’t answer your prayer tomorrow? Will you still follow Him if the dream doesn’t occur for years? Can you remain faithful while He creates His answer?

“And I will wait on the LORD,... And I will hope in Him.” Isaiah 8:17