Saturday, September 8, 2012

“...Show me the way I should go,  for to You I entrust my life.”  Psalms 143:8 NIV

God, show me the way I should go. Show me the way I should speak, walk, listen, minister, encourage, witness, me the way to live.

Show me Your ways, Oh God.

When was the last time you asked Him to show you the way He has ordained for your life? When was the last time you looked at your life actions and measured them against His? And if you were to take your daily life actions from this week and hold them up against His word, would you be found lacking?

His word gives us a measuring stick by which to order our lives. This is why we MUST read, breathe and live His word. It shows us His way.

When we allow His ways to become our ways then we have full confidence in His promises. At that point we know the He will be our Light, our Rock, our Hiding Place and our Salvation.

Are you limiting the promises of God because you fail to allow Him to show you His ways?

“Show me the way I should go, for to You I entrust my life.”