Saturday, May 5, 2012

He is Faithful

"Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever." 
Hebrews 13:8

At all times HE is still the same.

In my times of darkness and pain.

In my times of joy and laughter.

In my times of need and shame

In my times of hope and faith.

At all times HE is still the same.

I take strength in knowing my ever-loving, sin-forgiving, miracle-working, star-breathing God will NEVER change.

We live in a world of constant change and motion.

The world changes. HE does not.

My family changes. HE does not.

My job changes. HE does not.

My friends change. HE does not.

Jesus is still the same.

HE will always be there.

HE is simply a whispered prayer, a brief thought,

a fervent hope away from me.

In a world of chaos, I can fully rely upon this knowledge.

Jesus is still the same, no matter my circumstances,

HE is still the same.