Saturday, December 8, 2012

I will wait - He is Faithful

All of us at one point in time have had to rely on God to provide the answer to out fervent prayers. We pray. We plead. We wait. Then we repeat the process.

God says in His word that the “effectual fervent prayers of the righteous availeth much.” He also said that like any good father, the heavenly Father wouldn’t withhold good things from His children.

Our answers are on the way but we must be willing to patiently wait on God. He promises good to us if we follow and depend upon Him.

The Jews were promised a Savior, a Messiah who would rescue them. They waited for years for the promise to come to pass. They prayed. They pleaded. They waited.
And then one day, a young girl was visited by an angel and was told that she had been chosen to bring the answer to so many prayers. “And she brought forth her firstborn son and laid him in a manager,… And his name was called Jesus.”  

He was faithful to the prayers of His people. He brought them the answer, the Messiah they sought. He brought peace, joy, strength, hope and salvation.  

He will answer our prayers perhaps not in the timing that we wish but the answer will come.  He will fulfill our prayers, our hopes, our dreams, and our promises. He is faithful.
The question is not His faithfulness but our ability to wait on the promises.  Will you still believe and wait on Him if He doesn’t answer your prayer tomorrow? Will you still follow Him if the dream doesn’t occur for years? Can you remain faithful while He creates His answer?

“And I will wait on the LORD,... And I will hope in Him.” Isaiah 8:17

Saturday, September 8, 2012

“...Show me the way I should go,  for to You I entrust my life.”  Psalms 143:8 NIV

God, show me the way I should go. Show me the way I should speak, walk, listen, minister, encourage, witness, me the way to live.

Show me Your ways, Oh God.

When was the last time you asked Him to show you the way He has ordained for your life? When was the last time you looked at your life actions and measured them against His? And if you were to take your daily life actions from this week and hold them up against His word, would you be found lacking?

His word gives us a measuring stick by which to order our lives. This is why we MUST read, breathe and live His word. It shows us His way.

When we allow His ways to become our ways then we have full confidence in His promises. At that point we know the He will be our Light, our Rock, our Hiding Place and our Salvation.

Are you limiting the promises of God because you fail to allow Him to show you His ways?

“Show me the way I should go, for to You I entrust my life.”

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Great and Mighty is our God

Great and Mighty is our God.

HE it is that goes before us.

HE makes a way where there was no way.

HE brings down barriers that block his people.

HE brings gives substance and strength.

HE is a haven in times of stress and pain.

HE is our great fortress, the Rock to which we run.

HE is celebrated and feared by the nations.

HE is great and awesome in power.

HE is our healer and deliverer.

HE is the holy sacrifice for our many sins.

HE is preparing a heavenly place for us.

This God, there is none like him.

HE is Great and Mighty.

"HE is the one you praise; HE is your God, who performed for you those great and awesome wonders you saw with your own eyes."   Deuteronomy 10:21

"... If God is for us, who can be against us?"   Romans 8:31

Saturday, May 5, 2012

He is Faithful

"Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever." 
Hebrews 13:8

At all times HE is still the same.

In my times of darkness and pain.

In my times of joy and laughter.

In my times of need and shame

In my times of hope and faith.

At all times HE is still the same.

I take strength in knowing my ever-loving, sin-forgiving, miracle-working, star-breathing God will NEVER change.

We live in a world of constant change and motion.

The world changes. HE does not.

My family changes. HE does not.

My job changes. HE does not.

My friends change. HE does not.

Jesus is still the same.

HE will always be there.

HE is simply a whispered prayer, a brief thought,

a fervent hope away from me.

In a world of chaos, I can fully rely upon this knowledge.

Jesus is still the same, no matter my circumstances,

HE is still the same.