Monday, October 17, 2011

What's new,...

After a rather long hiatus I am back to blogger... I can't promise that I'll be a consistent blogger but I am going to try to get on here more often.

It's been a busy month or more for me. Why? Two words: New job.

I was blessed to have be given a new opportunity at the Bank. I truly enjoy it! Meeting new people constantly, never a dull moment & I'm surrounded by faith-driven people. This position really is a blessing.


With opportunity also comes exhaustion, exhilaration, frustration,
growth, knowledge, responsibility and wisdom.

I have no doubt God placed me in this job for a purpose. I know I am learning much that will aid me in the future. Every time I begin to feel overwhelmed, I have to remind myself that this job is apart of the conditioning process. It's causing me to grow in areas I was "short." 
I keep praying for wisdom to properly use the knowledge I'm gaining.
There really is nothing more tragic than knowledge wasted.

Until next time,...