Sunday, November 21, 2010

Jesus, my One Thing

"There is no one else for me, none but Jesus..." 
when spoken that name brings joy, strength,
peace, dominion, faith, & hope, to name a few...
He is my Way-Maker, Strength-Bringer,
Star-Breather, & Hope-Creator.
 He is my Light & Life.
He holds me up & carries me when necessary.
 He knows the difference in my needs & wants,
and knowing these things He spoils me beyond measure.
He is my everything,
my One thing. 
Now you know why,
"there is no one else for me..."
 just my Jesus.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Against Hope Believing in Hope

It's been too long since my last posting and perhaps my blog slacking has been a good thing. This year has been an emotional torrent. It kicked off with a bang and continued to slide into a downwards spiral. But that negative spin stopped in May. Once again my Perfect, All Knowing, All Powerful, Forever Faithful SAVIOUR grabbed my shoulders & redirected my steps, placing me on the right path.
Over the summer I found my soul and rediscovered my love for Him & His Words.
As I began to immerse myself in the Word, I found myself drawn to old notes written throughout my Bible. While reading, I began to recall the GOD Promises placed in my life. Upon this, I started searching His Heart & reminding Him of those promises. But like the frail human that I am, I began to doubt His Word & His Promises.

I found myself in the valley between hopes...

Why hadn't I seen this Promise come to life?
What happened to that Calling I thought was given me?
Where did my Isaiah assurance go?
When will the Divine Word come to life in me?

I've read the book of Romans many times but somehow this week when reading I was drawn to particular scriptures in chapter four.
Romans 4: 18-21
18Who against hope believed in hope, that he might become the father of many nations, according to that which was spoken, So shall thy seed be.19And being not weak in faith,... 20He staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief; but was strong in faith, giving glory to God; 21And being fully persuaded that, what he had promised, he was able also to perform.

As I sat reading over that scripture, I felt the mental, emotional, spiritual knock to my soul. Abraham was given a promise, a promise that according to the world's logic, should have never come to pass. But he never lost hope. He "against hope believed in hope!"  Against the ticking clock, against the thoughts of his peers, against the murmurings of his weak humanity, against all odds he fully BELIEVED & kept HOPE in the promises of God. Read verse 21: "And being FULLY persuaded that, what HE had promised, HE was able also to perform."
And not only was he fully persuaded that God could & would do want He had promised, Abraham did not stagger in the face of the promise. He knew his GOD, WAY-MAKER, STAR-BREATHER was more than compatible of fulfilling the given promise. He didn't doubt the abilities of GOD!

Against the taunts of my flesh,
against the disbelief of my peers,
against it all...
I won't stagger at the weight of the promises given to me. I won't allow human timing to cause doubt. I won't hold back waiting.I must continue to trust in HIS divine ways! To believe that HE is GOD & that which HE promises, HE will do in HIS time

I must trust in HIM and against hope believe in hope...