Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Have you ever opened your Life Book and flipped back a few chapters? Glanced over the pages, remembered the stories & gazed at the photographs?
And thought, "What if...?"
What if I had went to that school?
What if I had continued that relationship?
What if I had went on that trip?
What if I had chosen that profession?
What if, what if, what if....
I did today. I recalled the last 5 years in all of it's triumphs, heartaches, mountains, & valleys.
I reread some old emails from people who were once close to me... And the "What ifs" started.
I sat for over an hour just thinking about what my life would be now if I had made that no, a yes.
That one decision... I wonder what story my current Life Book pages would tell?
I've learned that decision made cannot be unmade...
Thankfully in some situations.
I'm am who I am because of these past 5 years.
I like my Story.
Yes, there are mistakes throughout my Story.
Wrong Choices. Right Choices made at the Wrong Times.
But those mistakes make me who I am.
Thankfully my Story is still continuing.
The Great Editor gives me a new start each day on a new page.
Thankfully I've learned that He doesn't rate my Life Book based off page 237 in Chapter 8.
But He does rate my Life based off the ENTIRE story.
Thank God I'm not to the end yet...
I have another new clean white page.
There are no "what ifs?" on this blank page.
Just a new start...
For me to continue my Life Story.