Wednesday, July 29, 2009

What do I want?

I want a good life in which I make significiant changes in my world.
I want a house… trendy but homey.
I want a job I can leave at the door when I come home at night.
I want to work with people.
I want a job I’ll enjoy & make a good living with.
I want someone to laugh, cry, & dream with.
I want to travel.
I want to learn to cook.
I want family vacations, weekend get aways, and girl’s night outings.
I want two boys.
I want to adopt a child from another country.
I want to volunteer at shelters/ hospitals.
I want yearly trips with my Bestie.
I want to found a school in an impoverished village.
I want to wake in the morning with someone holding me close.
I want to grow old knowing I've made a difference in people's lives.

I don't need to be well-known.
I don't need trophies or Nobel Prizes.

I just want to change my world in my own small, significant ways…

This is what I want.