Thursday, August 30, 2007

My State: Confusion

Ever felt like this?
We all have.
But you know...
the state of confusion we're in doesn't matter.
What matters is what we do in our
state of confusion.
Are we going to leap out in FULL faith?
Or sit back and wait for a voice from the sky?
Perhaps HE is waiting to see the action you will take...
Will you trust completely?
Or be constrained by doubt?
The choice is yours...


Rainy Romance

I've fallen in love with rain. There is a peace in rain. There is also a mystery in rain.

It can fool you with it's pitter-patter on the sidewalk
And then suddenly split the skies with thundering force.
It can wash away yesterday's drawings in the sand
And make all clean and new.

There is a romance in it.
I just heart rain.


Inside Out

I am so sick and tired of this hypocrisy!! I'm tired of sitting in church and hearing Pastors pour out the Message from God and seeing no movement. We sit and look around to see who God was speaking to today. You dumb idiots! HE has been speaking to us and what do we do? Ignore Him.
We are the Pharisees of today. We pride ourselves on looking the part and "acting" the part when in reality we are no better than the next person.
Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you are like whitewashed tombs, which indeed appear beautiful outside, but inside they are full of dead men's bones, and of all uncleanness. Matt. 23:27
Oh God, forgive us. We have been so busy maintaining the OUTSIDE of the cup that we forgot the INSIDE. The outside is important. It is important to "look" holy, but if we aren't holy then we aren't worth beans to God.
We can "Amen!" the Pastor and act all into Christ on Sundays and Wednesdays but what does it matter if we just pretend?? What does our pretending do for those watching us? Nothing... in the end we will be shown for the big fakers we are.
It's time to become real. It's time to start cleaning out the filth in our lives. It's time to change the INSIDE of the cup. It may mean the saving of your life and the life of someone else.
What do you have to lose?
For the Son of Man shall come in the glory of His Father with His angels, and then He shall reward each one according to his works. Matt. 16:27
Note: Jesus said Works, Not pretend games.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007


essential and appealed, carry all your thoughts across an open field,when flowers gaze at you...they're not the only ones who cry when they see you. you said...i think i need a sunrise, i'm tired of the sunset,i hear it's nice in the summer, some snow would be
The other night I was playing on the computer and as I played I began to hum, then softly sing bits & pieces of songs that would come to mind-- At the Cross, Boston, and other completely random songs. And then one song came striding through my mind, What a Friend we have in Jesus.
I began to sing and pray. And at that moment, God Creator of All, wrapped me up in the most comforting hug. I needed that. Sometimes I get so wrapped up in me and my problems and my decisions that I forget that Man who is always waiting just to hold me. The Man who took it upon himself to see me 2000 thousand years ago & die to be with me. Mom, it reminds me of that Madonna Massy song, Whatta Man. Who am I that HE would take time to hold and comfort me??
Jesus, hold me closely. Hide me in the shelter of your wings.
Are we weak and heavy laden, cumbered with a load of care? Precious Savior, still our refuge; take it to the Lord in prayer. Do thy friends despise, forsake thee? Take it to the Lord in prayer! In his arms he'll take and shield thee; thou wilt find a solace there.
Reveling in my God's Arms,